Monday, January 16, 2023

that three day weekend feeling

1)    for the most part, it's been a gloomy 3-day weekend. but there have been patches of sunlight and breaks of rain, so we took advantage of that and grabbed a basketball to head over to the middle school. surprisingly, ry came and joined us too! so we shot around the basketball for some 2 on 1 and a game of horse, got our endorphins going and got muddy and dirty while doing it!
2)    i couldn't tell you when i captured this quote. but i'm trying every day to live up to it. making space and time to breathe and refuel has has been the difference in taking care of myself, and therefore taking better care of my family.
3)    sam's family had invited us over for new year's eve during winter break but unfortunately had to cancel. we got a re-do this saturday and it was so much fun! coop spent 4 hours playing with his friends, while the grown-ups got to chat, snack on nachos and sip champagne! it was a fun night that nobody wanted to end!
4)    on my morning jog, i probably would have been able to count 10 things that made me smile! starting with taking a different route than my usual path, saying hello to strangers, the charming victorian houses with bay windows, an apartment building with bright orange doors. i jogged to the tune of ajr essentials.  i had only heard two songs before we went to the concert last july, but since then, we've all become superfans! so many of their songs are about mental wellness and healing, and some are just downright fun. there were so many times when i just wanted to break down dancing mid-run!
5)    last year, i aimed to run a 5k and 10k every month and did ok. i want to try to continue that, and every time i log in a run on strava, i feel accomplished.
6)    on saturday, coop felt the urge to play with his legos. he hasn't done that in months. it's one of the happy memories i have of his childhood because i love seeing his creativity and curiosity. this morning, he wanted to do a specific set - the spiderman far from home stark jet. all three of us spent hours taking pieces apart, collecting 500+ pieces hidden with the thousands we had in boxes. there were moments of frustration for sure, but once coop completed it, we were extremely satisfied!
7)    sunday night, ry popped open a bottle of red wine from the ancient peak vineyard in paso robles. it promtped me to send a text to my old friend and colleague rae-ann to see how she was handling the storms back home. good wine - great friend.
8)    ry made the best steak last night accompanied with the most tasty roasted potatoes and braised asparagus! it was delicious-ness in every bite!
9)    i wrapped up my first week of my mindfulness program. it felt really good to be able to stick to all the activities, especially on days when i felt like i couldn't fit in it. i am hopeful about the rest of the program, and am looking forward to applying what i have learned when i need it the most.
10)    i know we all just reset to our routines last week after the holidays, but having this 3 day weekend to look forward to and recharge was a warm welcome, especially during these storms. happy mlk jr day!