2) san miguel beer is the leading beer in the philippine and hong kong markets. in general, this beer is on the lighter side. with college football starting today, ry and i kept up the tradition of beer and football. the san miguel light beers, purchased at trader joe's, came in handy this afternoon.
3) labor day is meant to celebrate the millions of men and women in the nation's work force. in 1894, president cleveland made a campaign promise to enact the holiday to win votes and he followed through with his promise. it is celebrated on the first monday in september. ironically, i will be working that day but with an agreeable and voluntary attitude!
4) my kids finished their first week of school. i was surprised with how well all of them adjusted to being back at school - most of them with new teachers and aides in unfamiliar classrooms. nonetheless, they managed to get through the week with minimal disruptive behaviors.
5) candles instantly change the mood of a room. ry's aunt and uncle bought me this jo malone candle last christmas. it has been put to good use, to say the least! it has been used for ambiance purposes, to mask odors around the house and even to wax ryan's snowboard!
6) this school year, i anticipate that i will need to use a calendar more than i've needed to in the past five years. seeing that i have 9 cases in 6 different school districts, i have been consistently updating my schedule on my ical application.
7) have i mentioned that football season is upon us? being a lakers fan for nearly two deacades, i am accustomed to close call, buzzer beater, blood pressure rising games! as dominating of a force that sc football is, games don't usually play out this way. when the score is 35-0 by the second half, more than likely it is usc's band that keeps me amused.
8) every labor day weekend in reno, competitive chefs vie for the best in the west title in the rib cook off. i went several years back with ron. imagine a huge outdoor party dedicated to cooking and eating ribs! jill and kevin went this year. we were supposed to join them but our plates were full - pardon the pun!
9) i came across this website dayswithmyfather.com. philip toledano documents what daily life is like with his 98-year old father after his mother passed away. the photographs are simple but powerful, depicting moments of struggle, somber and sheer joy. the descriptions of the photos are equally moving. should none of those reasons persuade you to check out the website and/or you possess no soul at all, the navigation on the site is worth exploring.
10) the great vince lombardi said, "football is like life, it requires perseverance, self-denial, hard work sacrifice, dedication and respect for authority." couldn't agree more.