2) the first time marianne, myself, melanie and theresa have been together in months.
3) lunch at espn zone in new york, new york.
4) lounging outside in front of the pool with a lazy river.
5) melanie's brilliant idea to stop and pose by the infamous las vegas sign - a first for all of us!
6) giant slot machine in the paris casino.
7) who wants to be a millionaire?
8) sipping peach bellinis in the bellagio hotel.
9) walking the strip and showing off some leg.
10) thankful for melanie for organizing the entire trip. fortunate to have good friends to chip in a few bucks to have mare fly back to sd earlier to spend some time with her family. bewildered that we spent five hours in the car, not turning on the radio once, and even more shocking, not even noticing it until we arrived in vegas. grateful for best friends.