2) y started the morning off roughly. he was crying when his dad dropped him off. usually, with y, if he has a difficult start, that translates to a problematic school day. it wasn’t the case today. a tweak in his routine throws him off completely. today’s deviation was spring pictures. much to my surprise, another boy was being noncompliant and refused to join the group. y stood perfectly in the middle, listening to the photographer’s directions.
3) if kirsten dunst had a miniature sized clone, she would look exactly like this girl named payton in y’s class. we were both wearing denim jackets today and payton was quite entertained by that. she kept bringing it to everyone’s attention, pointing out her “twin”. when i wrapped my jacket around my waist, she did the same. so darling!
4) it’s rare for ry and i to have lunch together during a workday. it was nice to have a meal with another adult. one of my favorite adults to boot!
5) my mornings are spent with the alice crew, and my afternoons i spend with dan patrick. when he still worked for espn, his radio show wasn’t aired in this area. now that he’s currently working for sports illustrated, i’m fortunate to hear his show. i’ve always appreciated his humor on sportscenter and his “outtakes” column in espn magazine. his topic of the day: “is it ok to name your child after a professional athlete?”
6) this beautiful tree is growing in the front yard of my house. the pink flowers are even more vivid on this tree than the ones at orchard school.
7) i usually opt the economical side of things, but with lump crab meat, i’m willing to pay the extra bucks. at whole foods, you can buy a pound of it for $30. ry and i usually only need a 1/3 of a pound. veggies, brown rice and crab make for a yummy dinner!
8) another lovely writing on the wall from my favorite website of scribbles.
9) my strong two-month old niece was in the hospital overnight this week. she had an excessive temperature so james and penny took her in. she was diagnosed with a urinary tract infection. poor peyton was poked several times for blood samples and iv tubes that when they took her home, james said she would lift her arms up to defend herself when someone touched her. scrappy that little girl is.
10) i am so thankful that peyton is home and healthy! between zoe’s broken leg and peyton’s spinal tap, those two courageous girls have endured more than i could even imagine! my most happiest moment today was james asking me if i would be peyton’s godmother.